Activities Key Terms Quizzes Art Chapter 21 Self-Quiz
Unit 4: Evolution Adaptation and Speciation Review
  1. result from the process of natural in which organisms with favorable traits have better able to survive and reproduce.
  2. Examples of adaptations include the complex nest behavior of Weaver Ants, the spring and summer of the Nemoria arizonaria caterpillar, and insect of many orchids.
  3. Evolution allows organisms to adapt quickly to changing . Examples include the Soapberry Bug developing shorter to access smaller food sources, and ground finches in the Galapagos developing bigger when small seeds are scarce.
  4. Sexual selection of male traits are often balanced by exposure to predators in an ecological : the conflicting demands of individual survival and reproduction result in complex selection pressures. Examples include the brightly colored Trinidad Guppy and the singing of birds.
  5. A species can be biologically defined as a group of natural populations that are isolated from other such groups.
  6. Reproductive isolation can arise from two types of barriers.
    • barriers prevent zygotes from forming, and include isolation, isolation, and isolation.
    • barriers prevent fertilzed zygotes from developing into viable reproductive adults, and include zygote and infertility.
  7. Accumulated genetic differences between separate populations of a species can lead to reproductive isolation and to the appearance of new species, or .
  8. Geographic isolation that reduces gene flow between populations can lead to speciation. An example is Snapping Shrimp of Panama.
  9. In the absence of geographic isolation, speciation can occur due to other isolation factors such as plant preference in Apple Maggot Flies and mating difference in Field Crickets.
  10. Adaptation and speciation form the basis for the diversity of life.
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